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RIG partners with space technology company to commercialise in Oil & Gas

RIG has started an engagement with an Irish company that has developed the heat-shield technology for the European Space Agency’s 2017 mission to the sun. No man-made technology has ever been closer to the sun, and without this revolutionary technology, the mission would not be possible.

EnBio, based in UCD’s Nova Centre, has developed CoBlast, a technology that is capable of replacing a metal’s oxide layer with a range of different combinations of particulates – each capable of conferring on the metal a bespoke set of properties.

For the Solar Orbiter mission, the required properties are extreme thermal tolerance and adhesion to the top-layer coating. Because of the mission-criticality of the technology, it has been has been accelerated to TRL6 in an exceptionally short time frame.

RIG is now working with EnBio on market validation in order to establish the potential applications for this technology in other sectors.